
www.303rdbga.comThe WW II B-17 303rd Bomb Group featured in the Ferris National Air & Space Museum Mural
The 303rd Bomb Group B-17 “Thunder Bird” featured in the Ferris NASM Mural
The Air Force Art Program web site, see the 61 Ferris contributions in the artist section.
aopa.orgThe Web site of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
art-ww1.comUnder the patronage of UNESCO, the great museums of Europe are holding a joint exhibition of their resources by painters who were contemporary with the First World War.
asaa-avart.comAmerican Society of Aviation Artists — Membership info, Forum and Exhibition Schedules
aviationhistory.orgTerrific collection of news, links and aviation history.
Military Aircraft Preservation Society Where history takes flight 
mightyeigth.orgThe Web site of the Might Eighth Air Force Museum in Savannah, GA Web site of the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC
screamingeagleScreaming Eagle veterans society includes images, experiences of Screaming Eagle veterans, reunions and more.
wildweaselsThe Society of Wild Weasels — The surface-to-air defense suppression organization’s Web site. Web site of the USAF Museum in Dayton, OH