www.303rdbga.com | The WW II B-17 303rd Bomb Group featured in the Ferris National Air & Space Museum Mural |
303rdbga.com/ thunderbird | The 303rd Bomb Group B-17 “Thunder Bird” featured in the Ferris NASM Mural |
afapo.hq.af.mil | The Air Force Art Program web site, see the 61 Ferris contributions in the artist section. |
aopa.org | The Web site of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association |
art-ww1.com | Under the patronage of UNESCO, the great museums of Europe are holding a joint exhibition of their resources by painters who were contemporary with the First World War. |
asaa-avart.com | American Society of Aviation Artists — Membership info, Forum and Exhibition Schedules |
aviationhistory.org | Terrific collection of news, links and aviation history. |
Military Aircraft Preservation Society | Where history takes flight |
https://mapsairmuseum.org | |
mightyeigth.org | The Web site of the Might Eighth Air Force Museum in Savannah, GA |
nasm.si.edu | The Web site of the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC |
screamingeagle | Screaming Eagle veterans society includes images, experiences of Screaming Eagle veterans, reunions and more. |
wildweasels | The Society of Wild Weasels — The surface-to-air defense suppression organization’s Web site. |
wpafb.af.mil | The Web site of the USAF Museum in Dayton, OH |