Displayed in Washington D.C’s iconic National Air & Space Smithsonian, The Evolution Of Jet Aviation by Keith Ferris is a 20′ by 75′ mural displayed in the museum’s Jet Aviation Gallery. Having participated in the United States Air Force Art Program for over fifty years while documenting the Air Force mission with art, Mr. Ferris has flown more than 300 hours in jet fighter aircraft and has flown in most all jet aircraft types in the Air Force inventory. He deployed across the Pacific to South East Asia as a civilian back-seater with the first squadron of F-4E Phantoms in 1968 where he participated in missions of the F-4E, the F-105F and the B-52D. Today, this breathtaking mural still fills the entire Jet Aviation Gallery wall – highlighting 27 significant aircraft types that represent 8+ nations and 20+ manufacturers.

This is the letter sent out to all docents describing upcoming training.

The museum was opened durning the painting of the Jet Aviation mural, here are the docents as the gathered for Keith & Peggy's presentation on the Mural.

The Iran hostage crisis was a terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran, that lasted 444 days. The crisis began on November 4, 1979 and ended on January 20, 1981, the day President Reagan was sworn in. Had to take break to watch the hostages coming home as they passed the Air & Space Museum.